- Popular classroom stool is used in thousands of schools in the UK
- Available in 5 sizes
- Comes in 10 colours and 3 frame finishes
- Can be stacked 6 high
- Supplied with hand hole as standard
- Designed for severe educational use
- Ideal for any science labs, art studios or music rooms
- Unique seat shape provides integral lumbar support
- Tested to BSEN 1729 Pt 1 & 2 for strength and stability
- Sturdy steel frame with scratch resistant paint in grey or black colour
- 19mm diameter tubular frame with 1.5mm wall thickness
- Complete with well positioned foot rest for optimum comfort
- This stool has a manufacturer's warranty of 5 years
Metalliform WSM Classroom Science Stool
Price ex VAT: £34.16
inc VAT £40.99